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Greenlands Primary

School Meals

School Meals are provided by Independent Catering

We believe every child needs a satisfying meal at lunchtime, fuelling them for the afternoon ahead. Nurturing the importance of a healthy and balanced diet, Independent Catering provide nutritious, innovative meals to nourish from within by ensuring that the meals that are served are wholesome.

This is done by ensuring that each meal is packed with the nutrients and vitamins, a variety of carbohydrates, protein and fibre. Independent Catering's menu is fully compliant with the School Food Standards.

If your child is absent during the course of the week, money will be credited forward to the next week. Parents are asked to decide lunch arrangements for at least half a term and give similar notice if changing from packed lunch to meals, or vice versa.

Current Menu

term 4 2024 2025.pdf


KS2 meals MUST be paid for in advance on the first day of the school week, the price of school meals are £13.00 per week (£2.60 per day)

Children collect their own meals from the servery, and may ask for the amount of food they wish. We also have a salad cart where children can help themselves to salads, cold potatoes, pasta etc. If children regularly reject their meal, they will be encouraged to try and eat a little. If there is any food they cannot eat, please let us know – this does not include the particular likes and dislikes of the individual child. A choice is ALWAYS available. 

Packed Lunches

We are a Healthy Eating and Nut Free School

Children may bring in a small carton of drink (NOT BOTTLES, CANS OR FIZZY DRINKS).

We request that parents/carers support the school in its promotion of healthy eating by providing a balanced selection of food in their packed lunch.

Fruit and other healthy snacks are encouraged and we would request that children do not bring sweets to school as these are not allowed during the school day. Chocolate bars and sweets will be removed from lunch boxes and sent home. 

Please provide your child with the necessary equipment to enjoy their food i.e. spoons for yoghurts, straws for drink, tissues/paper napkins for mishaps.

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Pupil Premium Free School Meals

Pupil premium is an allocation of additional funding used to help specific groups of children (Please see the school website to find out further details).

Is your child entitled to Pupil Premium Free School Meals?

You may apply for pupil premium free school meals if you are entitled to receive one of the following:

  • Income Support (IS) - Income based Job Seekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • An Income- related Employment Support Allowance (ESA(IR))
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Child Tax credit (provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, assessed by HM Revenue and Customs that from 6th April 2009 does not exceed £16,190)
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit.

If you fulfil any of the above criteria and wish to apply, please complete an application form using the following link:

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school office or your child's class teacher.

Alternatively if you have completed the Pupil Premium Eligibility section on the Admission Form we can check for you.

60-Second Vegtastic Lunchbox Snacks