Our Curriculum
Our overaching aim at Greenlands is to foster in every child a love of learning, a curiosity about their world and the desire to be the very best version of themselves. We aim to provide a stimulating and inclusive curriculum where learning is irresistible and exciting and offers new, enriching, fulfilling experiences that open the doors to a world beyond our school.
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Malcolm X
To enable this we have designed a rich and broad curriculum
Our curriculum is rich in content and enhanced through trips and visitors, which help to bring the curriculum to life. Closely linked to the National Curriculum and informed by appropriate schemes, we have planned our curriculum to meet the needs of our children.
Retrieval tasks, at the start of each lesson, give our children the opportunity to apply previous knowledge in order to support its retention in their long term memory. This may be based on knowledge from the previous lesson, topic or learning from another point in their school career. This gives teachers the opportunity to assess the children's knowledge and address any gaps in learning before embarking on new knowledge and skills. This will enable children to know and remember more.
Vocabulary for each curriculum area is identified and explicitly taught to address the recognised ‘word gap’ that exists for many of the children who attend Greenlands Primary School.
What do we want the children to know and learn?
Our curriculum reflects the ambition of the National Curriculum in developing knowledge and skills. It is designed particularly to:
- develop speech, language and communication,
- raise personal ambition,
- develop a positive sense of self and respect for others,
- give rich experiences to develop knowledge and understanding of the world
- solve problems
- promote reflection, collaboration and respect
- enable children to accurately articulate their thoughts and opinions through the proactive acquisition of technical and non-technical vocabulary.
Equality and SEND
We ensure that our curriculum is inclusive of SEND and ensures that there are equal opportunities for all children in our school. Our provision allows pupils with learning and physical difficulties the opportunity to follow a broad and balanced curriculum specifically tailored to develop life skills and to give pupils self-confidence through their learning thus enabling them to maximize their potential and to work independently. All children have full access to the curriculum, although where required appropriate adaptations are made to suit the needs of individual pupils, for example:
- scaffolded resources
- use of ICT
- extra adult support
- different ways of evidencing learning
- interventions
- pre-teaching of vocabulary
We promote the highest aspirations for our children to become self-motivated, independent learners who are well prepared for later life and thrive in modern day society.
Curriculum Maps
Below are each year groups overviews for this year. If you require further detail about any subject areas please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance.
- Reception curriculum map
- Year 1 curriculum map
- Year 2 curriculum map
- Year 3 curriculum map
- Year 4 curriculum map
- Year 5 curriculum map
- Year 6 curriculum map
For details about each subject please follow the links below:
Find out more
To find out more about our curriculum please contact us