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Greenlands Primary

Online Safety

Staying Safe on the Internet

At Greenlands, we know that technology is really exciting. It can let us do lots of fun, interesting and useful things, but it's important to know how to use it safely! As part of the teaching and learning curriculum at Greenlands Primary School, your child has supervised access to the internet on a regular basis. We believe that the effective and critical use of online materials and communication are essential skills for our pupils to become 'life-long learners' as they grow up in the 21st century.

Talking to your child – openly, and regularly – is the best way to help keep them safe online.  You might find it helpful to start with a family discussion to set boundaries and agree what's appropriate. Or you might need a more specific conversation about an app or website your child wants to use or something you're worried about.

Our school Internet Provider operates a filtering system which restricts access to inappropriate materials and procedures are in place for reporting inappropriate material to the correct authorities should the need arise. This may not be the case at home so we have provided information on safe Internet access which we hope you will find helpful.

A key component of our Online e-Safety Policy is to encourage children to 'Think, Then Click'.  This ensures they consider the kind of material that they may be accessing and ensures they take responsibility for their own e-Safety.

Click CEOP

The Click CEOP button is an asset of the National Crime Agency CEOP command. The CEOP command works to protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation both online and offline.

CEOP helps any child or young person under the age of 18 who is being pressured, forced or tricked into taking part in sexual activity of any kind. This can be something that has taken place either online or in ‘the real world’, or both. The CEOP Safety Centre has clear information and advice on what can be reported to CEOP, the reporting process and what will happen if you do decide to make a report. You can visit the CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the Click CEOP button.

The button has been developed for children and young people and is offered as a convenient and potentially less intimidating method of reporting these sensitive types of crime, alternative to face-to-face and telephone reporting to local police forces. It provides children and young people with access to an online mechanism for reporting known or suspected child sexual exploitation or child sexual abuse directly to CEOP.

If you are experiencing online bullying or something else online has worried you please speak to an adult you trust, or you can talk to Childline at any time on 0800 1111 or at www.childline.org.uk.

Reporting to CEOP

CEOP takes all reports seriously and children of all ages can report through the Click CEOP button. The reporting form is designed to be as accessible as possible by children, but it is highly recommend that young children seek the support of an adult they trust to help them make a report.

All reports to CEOP are treated sensitively and are read and risk assessed by a CEOP Child Protection Adviser. It is not possible to report to CEOP anonymously as CEOP have a duty to ensure the child or young person is safe. Reports made outside of office hours are viewed by the NCA Control Centre. Urgent concerns about a child’s safety are referred by the Control Centre to local police. CEOP advise any urgent reports where a child is in immediate danger should be reported to the local police force where the child is located.

Further useful resources can be found at: https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/ 


Advice to parents on what to do if your child shares a picture online they regret.  Selfies are a new global phenomenon and are often harmless and fun. But selfie-takers don’t always keep their clothes on. With the rise of the selfie has come growing concern about young people taking and sharing revealing photos or videos – often referred to in the media as ‘sexting’.

'Nude Selfies: What parents and carers need to know'

A series of four short animated films for parents and carers, offering advice on how to keep your children safe from the risks associated with sharing inappropriate images.

The films aim to help parents and carers:

understand young people's motivations for sending nude selfies.
plan to respond positively and constructively to an incident in which your child has shared a nude selfie.
gain confidence and skill in initiating preventative conversations.
identify risky behaviours or situations and know where to seek help.
know how to get help if your child is at risk after sharing an image.
 Parents Protect! 

The website has plenty of information and resources on how to keep children safe from sexual abuse. They've put together a list of useful resources that can help you bring up issues such as how to be safe online and consent.

Stop It Now! Helping Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Changes to school and working lives mean that children might be spending more time unsupervised online, but there are plenty of ways you can help them stay safe. 

Our confidential helpline is still open for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse and its prevention, and we've launched some new short films on social media to raise awareness of the support available. 
