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Greenlands Primary

Our Greenlands Vision

Greenlands Primary School - a place where every child has a champion!

Every child and member of staff becomes part of our Greenlands family, from the very first day they join us to the day they leave. Our over arching aim is to foster in every child a love of learning, and curiosity about their world and desire to be the very best version of themselves.

We believe that positive relationships are at the heart of what we do. Through these relationships we nurture an understanding of each other, diversity and how these positively impact on society.

We promise to work tirelessly to champion the needs of every child in our care. We will ensure that they enjoy a stimulating and inclusive education, where learning is irresistible and exciting and offers new, enriching, fulfilling experiences, that open the doors to the world beyond our school. 

Our Greenlands Values

CURIOSITY – be curious, ask questions, find out about yourself and our world.

RESILIENCE – be resilient, show grit and determination to be the best you can be.

AMBITION – be ambitious, want more, decide to be all that you can be.

COMMUNITY – be part of our family, your local community, and the global community.

KINDNESS – be kind, forgive, support each other, make our school a centre of kindness.

RESPONSIBILITY – be responsible for your own actions, the impact you have on others.

Our Greenlands Promise

As part of the Greenlands family we promise to:

Treat each other as we would want to be treated

Be respectful

Be resilient

Be safe