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Greenlands Primary



Greenlands recognises that teaching and learning in English is an essential part of the development of all children, developing their speaking, listening, writing and reading skills.

When I read great literature, great drama, speeches, or sermons, I feel that the human mind has not achieved anything greater than the ability to share feelings and thoughts through language.

- James Earl Jones 

Why English Is Important

Reading, writing, speaking and listening together form the key components of human communication. We learn from one another through our ability to communicate, and so it is undeniably true that English lies at the heart of all learning at Greenlands. Throughout the school year, we encourage our whole school community to get involved in a range of events to celebrate our love of English, with an intention of creating lifelong lovers of reading and writing.


Research tells us that children who read for pleasure on a daily basis develop a wider vocabulary, greater general knowledge and a far better understanding of other cultures. It is perhaps one of the single most important factors in a child’s development. Therefore, naturally, we believe that it is every child’s right to learn to read, but we hope that our children go far beyond this to develop a true love of and pleasure for reading. At Greenlands we believe in both the importance of developing children’s discrete word-reading skills and comprehension, and the need to engender their love of books and reading. The two elements are intertwined; each relies on the other if children are to become life-long readers.

Through discrete phonics sessions, that are based on the 'Sounds Write' scheme, one-to-one reading with an adult, we teach our youngest children how to decode the written word. Alongside this, we support children's growing  understanding of comprehension through reading quality texts aloud, investigating texts together in guided groups, or working together as a class on shared activities. We develop greater understanding through detailed exploration of whole books, short texts, art work, videos and music, encouraging children to play an active role in the reading process through an understanding of what makes a ‘good comprehender.’

Staff are reading role models who demonstrate and encourage a love for reading during our daily 'Story-time'. Children have access to a wide variety of reading materials through, book fairs, book corners in their classrooms, and the carefully selected texts used in the teaching of English.

As soon as children start in Reception, they begin their reading journey and start on the Dandelion Reading Scheme. The highly-structured phonic sequence of this scheme is closely aligned to the phonics taught daily, allowing the children to rehearse and practise the phonics they have been taught. This encourages reading success and builds children's confidence from the very beginning of their reading journey at Greenlands.

Once children have mastered the phonic code and completed the Dandelion Reading Scheme, they move onto Accelerated Reader. This is a  reading management and monitoring programme that aims to foster independent reading. The software assesses reading age, and suggests books that match children's needs and interests. Children complete computerised quizzes after reading each book which tests their reading comprehension. Passing the quiz is an indication that your child has understood what has been read.

Our aim is that, by the time children leave Greenlands Primary School, they will have developed a love of reading and will be confident, fluent readers.


At Greenlands Primary School we recognise how important it is that children becoming skilled, confident writers by the end of Year 6. These skills will be essential beyond their school life at Greenlands Primary School, and will enable them to communicate effectively in the wider world.

From the earliest stages of emergent writing in the Foundation Stage, we aim to foster a true love of storytelling by engaging the children in high quality texts. English lessons are planned around high quality texts. Alongside these texts children are exposed to a range of videos and experiences to help them write purposeful, relevant pieces of work.  They learn how to organise their own work so it suits the purpose, and they are encouraged to reflect on their own learning, and the learning of their peers, and to edit and improve their writing as a direct result. We ensure the children have exciting and stimulating things to write about in different aspects of our curriculum.  

By the time children are ready to leave Greenlands Primary School they will be able to communicate their ideas clearly in writing. They will have acquired the knowledge and skills relevant to the next chapter in their learning journey.

Speaking and Listening

Throughout the curriculum there is a strong emphasis on enabling children to use language to work together effectively, debate, and deepen understanding of concepts. Research has shown the importance of the link between spoken language, learning and cognitive development. Through using language and hearing how others use it, children become able to describe the world, make sense of life's experiences and get things done. They learn to use language as a tool for thinking, collectively and alone.


Children are taught about the way language works through their reading and writing and discuss the differences in spoken language and the written word. Specific grammar and punctuation content is assigned to particular year groups and matches the national curriculum expectations from 2014.


Correct letter formation, pen grip and sitting position, alongside the development of fine and gross motor skills, are the basics of teaching handwriting. These skills form the foundations of beautiful, legible, and speedy handwriting. In Reception children begin by learning how to print the letters. In Year 1 children begin to learn how to write in cursive script. When children are able to join accurately and their writing is consistent in size they will be awarded their pen licence which allows children to write in pen.


Developing oracy with pupil’s learning the curriculum both through explorational talk as well as to show what they know from presentational talk.” Mary Myatt (2025)development communication.

In EYFS and Year 1 we use Helicopter stories to develop communication and language development through story telling. From year 2, to extend children’s vocabulary we have devised a vocabulary spine which includes tier 3 vocabulary to enable children to access all subjects. Throughout KS1 we also use element of Talk for Writing to allow children to develop mental story structures. Linked to personal development our weekly Picture News assemblies is used to develop the skills of debate.

Key Concepts that run through English

To facilitate children to know more and remember more key concepts run through the whole of our curriculum and opportunities to revisit previous learning are planned into every lesson.

Subject Specific Concepts

Spoken Language


  • Word reading
  • Comprehension


  • Transcription – spelling and handwriting
  • Composition – Grammar and punctuation


Online Activities

Please click here for home reading activities
