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Greenlands Primary


At Greenlands all children, including those who are disadvantaged and children who have SEND learn subject specific concepts through studying six different topics.


Children with higher levels of emotional, behavioural, social and school well-being on average have higher levels of academic achievement and are more engaged in school, both concurrently and in later years.

- Department for Education

Why PSHE Is Important

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.

These skills and attributes help pupils to stay healthy, safe, and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. PSHE education helps pupils to achieve their academic potential, and leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.

At Greenlands we use the Jigsaw PSHE & RSE scheme.

National Curriculum Purpose Of Study

During Key Stages 1 and 2, PSHE education offers both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness as they move through the primary phase.

It builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. PSHE education helps pupils to cope with the changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.

What PSHE Looks Like At Greenlands Primary School

The teaching of PSHE at Greenlands Primary School is underpinned by the National Curriculum, the Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and Health Education guidance 2019, and the Greenlands Knowledge and Skills Progression Document.  Knowledge and Skills have been arranged within subject specific themes. To support this the school has adopted the JIGSAW scheme of work.

Our curriculum offers opportunities for children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, and this is clearly mapped and balanced across each year group. Lessons also provide structured opportunities in every lesson to practise and enhance the five skills associated with the emotional literacy (self-awareness, social skills, empathy, motivation and managing feelings). These opportunities are vital for children’s development, their understanding of themselves and others and in increasing their capacity to learn.

Our curriculum supports the British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. It has been mapped lesson by lesson against the British Values agenda. Vocabulary for each topic is identified and explicitly taught to address the recognised ‘word gap’ that exists for many of the children that attend Greenlands Primary School. The continued revision of whole school concepts and subject specific themes, alongside regular revisiting of previous learning will enable children to know more and remember more.


All PSHE lessons/activities are designed and planned to include all children through a range of approaches. Lessons are planned to facilitate the best possible outcome for all children within the class.\

Concepts & Themes Running Through PSHE

  • Identity
  • Relationships
  • A healthy balanced lifestyle
  • Risk and Safety
  • Diversity and Equality
  • Rights, Responsibilities, Consent
  • Change and Resilience
  • Power
  • Career
  • Relationships Education
  • Physical Health
  • Wellbeing

Whole school overview

pshe table.pdf



In reception, the children learn about how they have similarities and differences from their friends and how that is OK. They begin working on recognising and managing their feelings, working with others and why it is good to be kind. Children think about things that they are good at, discuss being different and how that makes everyone special.

They learn about friendship and how to be a kind, and they consider challenges and goals. Children learn about their bodies: the names of some key parts as well as how to stay healthy. They discuss ‘stranger danger’ and what they should do if approached by someone they don’t know. Children are introduced to the key relationships in their lives and they learn about families and the different roles people can have in a family.

Key Stage 1

Year 1

In the autumn term children build on their learning in EYFS by discussing rights and responsibilities, and choices and consequences. The children learn about being special and how to make everyone feel safe in their class as well as recognising their own safety. They then move on to explore the similarities and differences between people and how these make us unique and special. The children learn what bullying is and what it isn’t. They talk about how it might feel to be bullied and when and who to ask for help. The children discuss friendship, how to make friends and that it is OK to have differences/be different from their friends. The children also discuss being nice to and looking after other children who might be being bullied.

In the spring term children talk about setting simple goals, how to achieve them as well as overcoming difficulties when they try. The children learn to recognise the feelings associated with facing obstacles to achieving their goals as well as when they achieve them. They discuss partner working and how to do this well. They then move on to learn about healthy and less healthy choices and how these choices make them feel. They explore hygiene, keeping themselves clean and that germs can make you unwell. The children learn about road safety, and about people who can help them to stay safe.

In the summer term children’s breadth of relationships is widened to include people they may find in their school community. They consider their own significant relationships and why these are special and important. As part of the lessons on healthy and safe relationships, children learn that touch can be used in kind and unkind ways. This supports later work on safeguarding. Pupils also consider their own personal attributes as a friend, family member and as part of a community, and are encouraged to celebrate these. Children are introduced to life cycles, e.g. that of a frog. They compare this with a human life cycle and look at simple changes from baby to adult. As part of our school’s safeguarding duty, pupils are taught the correct words for private parts of the body (those kept private by underwear: vagina, anus, penis, testicles, vulva). They are also taught that nobody has the right to hurt these parts of the body. Children practise a range of skills to help manage their feelings and learn how to access help if they are worried about change, or if someone is hurting them.

Year 2

In the autumn term children discuss their hopes and fears for the year ahead. They learn about rights and responsibilities; how to work collaboratively, how to listen to each other and how to make their classroom a safe and fair place. The children build on their learning in year 1 about choices and the consequences of making different choices. Children then move on to learn about, and recognise gender stereotypes. They explore how children can be bullied because they are different, that this shouldn’t happen and how they can support a classmate who is being bullied.

In the spring term children explore setting realistic goals and how they can achieve them. They discuss perseverance when they find things difficult as well as recognising their strengths as a learner. They learn about healthy food; they talk about having a healthy relationship with food and making healthy choices. The children consider what makes them feel relaxed and stressed, and they learn about medicines.

In the summer term children’s Learning about family relationships widens to include roles and responsibilities in a family and the importance of co-operation, appreciation and trust. Friendships are also revisited with a focus on falling out and mending friendships. This becomes more formalised and the children learn and practise two different strategies for conflict resolution (Solve it together and Mending Friendships). Children consider the importance of trust in relationships and what this feels like. They also learn about two types of secret, and why ‘worry secrets’ should always be shared with a trusted adult. Children reflect upon different types of physical contact in relationships, which are acceptable and which ones are not. They practise strategies for being assertive when someone is hurting them or being unkind. The children also learn about people who can help them if they are worried or scared. Children compare different life cycles in nature, including that of humans. They reflect on the changes that occur (not including puberty) between baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult and old age. Within this, children also discuss how independence, freedoms and responsibility can increase with age. As part of a school’s safeguarding duty, pupils are re-taught the correct words for private parts of the body (those kept private by underwear: vagina, anus, penis, testicle, vulva). They are also reminded that nobody has the right to hurt these parts of the body, including a lesson on inappropriate touch and assertiveness. Children practise a range of strategies for managing feelings and emotions. They are also taught where they can get help if worried or frightened. Change is taught as a natural and normal part of growing up and the range of emotions that can occur with change are explored and discussed.

Key Stage 2

Year 3

In the autumn term children learn to recognise their self-worth and identify positive things about themselves and their achievements. They discuss new challenges and how to face them with appropriate positivity. The children learn about the need for rules and how these relate to rights and responsibilities. They explore choices and consequences, working collaboratively and seeing things from other people’s points of view. The children learn about different feelings and the ability to recognise these feelings in themselves and others. The children learn about families, that they are all different and that sometimes they fall out with each other. The children practise methods to calm themselves down and discuss the ‘Solve it together’ technique. The children revisit the topic of bullying and discuss being a witness (bystander); they discover how a witness has choices and how these choices can affect the bullying that is taking place. The children also talk about using problem-solving techniques in bullying situations. They discuss name-calling and practise choosing not to use hurtful words. They also learn about giving and receiving compliments and the feelings associated with this.

In the spring term children look at examples of people who have overcome challenges to achieve success and discuss what they can learn from these stories. The children identify their own dreams and ambitions and discuss how it will feel when they achieve them. They identify strategies for overcoming learning challenges and obstacles that might stop them from achieving their goals and how to overcome these. Children then move on to learn about the importance of exercise and how it helps your body to stay healthy. They also learn about their heart and lungs, what they do and how they are very important. The children discover facts about calories, fat and sugar. The children learn about different types of drugs, the ones you take to make you better, as well as other drugs. The children consider things, places and people that are dangerous and link this to strategies for keeping themselves safe.

In the summer term children revisit family relationships and identify the different expectations and roles that exist within the family home. They identify why stereotypes can be unfair and may not be accurate. Online relationships through gaming and apps are explored and children are introduced to some rules for staying safe online. Children also learn that they are part of a global community and they are connected to others they don’t know in many ways, e.g. through global trade. They investigate the wants and needs of other children who are less fortunate and compare these with their own. Children’s universal rights are also revisited. Children then move on to learn about babies and what they need to grow and develop including parenting. Children are taught that it is usually the female that carries the baby in nature. This leads onto lessons where puberty is introduced. Children first look at the outside body changes in males and females. They learn that puberty is a natural part of growing up and that it is a process for getting their bodies ready to make a baby when grown-up. Inside body changes are also taught. Children learn that females have eggs (ova) in their ovaries and these are released monthly. If unfertilised by a male’s sperm, it passes out of the body as a period. Sexual intercourse and the birth of the baby are not taught in this year group.

­­Year 4

In the autumn term children explore being part of a team. They talk about attitudes and actions and their effects on the whole class. The children learn about their school and its community. They discuss democracy and link this to their own School Council, what its purpose is and how it works. The children learn about group work, the different roles people can have, how to make positive contributions, how to make collective decisions and how to deal with conflict. They also learn about considering other people’s feelings. Children then move on to consider the concept of judging people by their appearance. They explore more about bullying, including online bullying and what to do if they suspect or know that it is taking place. They discuss the pressures of being a witness and why some people choose to join in or choose to not tell anyone about what they have seen. The children share their own uniqueness and what is special about themselves.

In the spring term children consider their hopes and dreams. They discuss making new plans and setting new goals even if they have been disappointed. The class explore group work and overcoming challenges together. They reflect on their successes and the feelings associated with overcoming a challenge. Children then move on to look at the friendship groups that they are part of.  The children reflect on their friendships, how different people make them feel and which friends they value the most. The children also learn about smoking and its effects on health; they do the same with alcohol and then look at the reasons why people might drink or smoke. Finally, they learn about peer pressure and how to deal with it successfully.

In the summer term children start to focus on the emotional aspects of relationships and friendships. With this in mind, children explore jealousy and loss/ bereavement. Children revisit skills of negotiation particularly to help manage a change in a relationship. They also learn that sometimes it is better if relationships end, especially if they are causing negative feelings or they are unsafe. Children are taught that relationship endings can be amicable.  Bodily changes at puberty are revisited with some additional vocabulary, particularly around menstruation. Sanitary health is taught, including introducing pupils to different sanitary and personal hygiene products. Conception and sexual intercourse are introduced in simple terms so the children understand that a baby is formed by the joining of an ovum and sperm. They also learn that the ovum and sperm carry genetic information that carry personal characteristics. Children then look at the feelings associated with change and how to manage these.

Year 5

In the autumn term children think and plan for the year ahead, goals they could set for themselves as well as the challenges they may face. They explore their rights and responsibilities as a member of their class, school, wider community and the country they live in. The children learn about their own behaviour and its impact on a group as well as choices, rewards, consequences and the feelings associated with each. They also learn about democracy, how it benefits the school and how they can contribute towards it. The children then move on to explore culture and cultural differences. They link this to racism, debating what it is and how to be aware of their own feelings towards people from different cultures. They revisit the topic of bullying and discuss rumour spreading and name-calling. The children learn that there are direct and indirect ways of bullying as well as ways to encourage children to not using bullying behaviours. The children consider happiness regardless of material wealth and respecting other people’s cultures.

In the spring term children share their dreams and goals and how they might need money to help them achieve them. They consider jobs that people they know do, they look at the fact that some jobs pay more money than others and reflect on what types of jobs they might like to do when they are older. The children look as the similarities and differences between themselves (and their dreams and goals) and someone from a different culture. They then move on to investigate the risks associated with smoking and how it affects the lungs, liver and heart. Likewise, they learn about the risks associated with alcohol misuse. They are taught a range of basic first aid and emergency procedures (including the recovery position) and learn how to contact the emergency services when needed. The children investigate how body types are portrayed in the media, social media and celebrity culture. They also learn about eating disorders and people’s relationships with food and how this can be linked to negative body image pressures.

In the summer term children learn about the importance of self-esteem and ways this can be boosted. This is important in an online context as well as offline, as mental health can be damaged by excessive comparison with others. This leads onto a series of lessons that allow the children to investigate and reflect upon a variety of positive and negative online/social media contexts including gaming and social networking. They learn about age-limits and also age-appropriateness. Within these lessons, children are taught the SMARRT internet safety rules and they apply these in different situations. Risk, pressure and influences are revisited with a focus on the physical and emotional aspects of identifying when something online or in social media feels uncomfortable or unsafe. Children are taught about grooming and how people online can pretend to be whoever they want. Rights, responsibilities and respect are revisited with an angle on technology use. Screen time is also discussed and children find ways to reduce their own screen time.

Year 6

In the autumn term children discuss their year ahead, they learnt to set goals and discuss their fears and worries about the future. The children learn about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and that these are not met for all children worldwide. They discuss their choices and actions and how these can have far-reaching effects, locally and globally. The children learn about their own behaviour and how their choices can result in rewards and consequences and how they feel about this. They explore an individual’s behaviour and the impact it can have on a group. They learn talk about democracy, how it benefits the school and how they can contribute towards it. Children then move on to discuss differences and similarities and that, for some people, being different is difficult. The children learn about bullying and how people can have power over others in a group. They discover strategies for dealing with this as well as wider bullying issues. The children learn about people with disabilities and look at specific examples of disabled people who have amazing lives and achievements.

In the spring term children share their own strengths and further stretch themselves by setting challenging and realistic goals. They discuss the learning steps they will need to take as well as talking about how to stay motivated. The children reflect on various global issues and explore places where people may be suffering or living in difficult situations; whilst doing this, they reflect on their own emotions linked to this learning. The children also discover what they think their classmates like and admire about them, as well as working on giving others praise and compliments. Children then move on to discussions about taking responsibility for their own physical and emotional health and the choices linked to this. They learn about different types of drugs and the effects these can have on people’s bodies. The children learn about exploitation as well as gang culture and the associated risks therein. They also learn about mental health/illness and that people have different attitudes towards this. They learn to recognise the triggers for and feelings of being stressed and that there are strategies they can use when they are feeling stressed.

In the summer term children learn more about mental health and how to take care of their own mental well-being. They explore the grief cycle and its various stages, and discuss the different causes of grief and loss. The children learn about people who can try to control them or have power over them. They investigate online safety, learning how to judge if something is safe and helpful, as well as talking about communicating with friends and family in a positive and safe way. Children then move on to learn about puberty in boys and girls and the changes that will happen; they reflect on how they feel about these changes. The children also learn about childbirth and the stages of development of a baby, starting at conception. They explore what it means to be being physically attracted to someone and the effect this can have upon the relationship. They learn about different relationships and the importance of mutual respect and not pressuring/being pressured into doing something that they don’t want to. The children also learn about self-esteem, why it is important and ways to develop it. Finally, they look at the transition to secondary school and what they are looking forward to/are worried about and how they can prepare themselves mentally.