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Greenlands Primary

Design and Technology (DT)

At Greenlands Primary School all children, including SEN and disadvantaged learn the following concepts and themes through studying different aspects of DT throughout the school

Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good designs

- Stephen Gardiner

Why DT Is Important

Design and Technology gives children the opportunity to develop skill, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Ultimately, children learn how to take risks, become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens, whilst utilising a range of communicative skills to express and present their designs.  At Greenlands, we use the Kapow Scheme for Design and Technology.

National Curriculum Purpose of Study

Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Pupils learn how to take risks, becoming resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.

Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and the wider world. High-quality design and technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.

What DT Looks Like At Greenlands

The teaching of Design and Technology (DT) at Greenlands Primary School is underpinned by the National Curriculum and the Kapow Scheme for DT.  Knowledge and Skills are arranged within subject specific themes.  Vocabulary for each topic is identified and explicitly taught to address the recognised ‘word gap’ that exists for many of the children that attend Greenlands Primary School.

 The continued revision of subject specific themes, alongside regular revisiting of previous learning will enable children to know more and remember more.


All DT lessons/activities are designed and planned to include all children through a range of approaches. Lessons are planned to facilitate the best possible outcome for all children within the class.

Concepts & Themes Running Through DT

  • Design
  • Nutrition
  • Technology
  • Data
  • Evaluate
  • Functionality
  • Innovation
  • Designing
  • Making
  • Technical Knowledge
  • Food
  • Evaluate (own ideas and products)
  • Evaluate (existing products)

Whole School Overview


design and technology curriculum overview 2024 25.pdf




In Reception, DT enables children to make sense of the 'made world' in which they live. By making, changing and modifying (or designing) things for themselves, children come not simply to a greater understanding of their world, but to a sense of agency - of being able to change and modify their environment. Design and technology enables children to gain knowledge and understanding of their world. Design is not just about drawing, but about thinking. Creating a pizza or designing a new Lego structure require no drawing, but both involve some experience, some imagination and a willingness to change and modify ideas. Technology, on the other hand, is about doing - making something for a purpose. It involves putting ideas into practice and having an awareness of the possibilities and limitations of different materials. Children need to experience at first hand the consequences of the decisions they have made, rather than quickly being shown by an adult how to get it 'right'. Purposeful making involves creativity, imagination and fun - as well as making mistakes.

Key Stage 1

Year 1

In Year 1 children complete three projects. The first of these projects gives the children the opportunity to develop their understanding of structures. The exploration of windmills gives children the experience and information to draw on when developing their own ideas. The children create their windmill following the design criteria, given at the beginning of the project, and go on to create models using card, tape and glue. They will understand that an axel truns and causes movement.  The second project teaches children about peeling, zesting, cutting safely and applying these skills when preparing healthy smoothies. Children will learn key information about healthy eating and where their food comes from. The final Year 1 project, involves the children learning about and joining textiles to create a puppet.

Year 2

In Year 2 children complete three projects. During the first of these projects children will learn all about structures. They explore and become familiar creating joins to increase the strength and stability of structures. The second project gives children opportunities to further develop their understanding of mechanisms. They will be selecting a suitable linkage to produce a desired motion in order to create a fairground wheel. The final project sees the children building further on their knowledge of mechanisms to use levers and pivots to create moving monsters.

Key Stage 2

Year 3

In year 3 children complete three projects. During the first of these projects children are given opportunities to develop their understanding eating seasonally and the origins of the food they eat. They use this knowledge to create a variety of dishes, both savoury and sweet, using seasonal fruit and vegetables.  For their second project, the children will begin to develop their ideas around the use of electrical elements of DT. They will create a poster about the Romans using a circuit to illuminate a bulb. Their final project in DT, builds on their knoweledge of structures to enable them to create a paper castle using nets and tabs. They will understand how to strengthen and join materials to ensure that their structure is stable.

Year 4

In year 4children complete three projects. Children are given opportunities to enhance their knowledge and understanding of electrical systems. They develop their understanding about series and parallel circuits and different types of switches. They will be given the chance to apply their knowledge about electric circuits in a purposeful way by designing and making a battery operated light which will be controlled by a homemade switch. The second project builds on the children's knowledge of mechanisms for them to create a slingshot that reduces air resistance.  For their final project, the children build on their understanding of structures by designing and building a pavilion using a framework and cladding.

Year 5

In Year 5, children complete three projects. Children develop their understanding ofstructures and  mechanisms to create a pop-up book. They will choose mechanisms to create their effects, looking at the input and output for each one. During the second project, children further develop their knowledge of structures to design a playground. the children will give careful considerstion to which structures are most effective and fit for purpose. For their final project, the children will be adapting a traditional recipe, considering which foods are healthier. They will learn to substitute ingredients taking into consideration how healthy are, their nutritional value and how this affects the overall appearance of the dish.

Year 6

In Year 6, children complete three projects. Their first project develops their understanding of textiles and sewing. They will use a variety of sewing techniques to create a simple waistcoat with secure fastenings. Their second project builds on their knowledge of electrical systems, from Year 3 and Year 4. Using this knowledge, they will create a functional Doodler that creates scribbles on paper with or without a switch. For their final project, Year 6 will use the food technology skills they have accumulated over their DT learning to create and make a menu for a 'Come Dine with Me' experience.