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Greenlands Primary

Our intent, implementation & impact


At Greenlands Primary School our aim is to offer your child a start to his or her school education in a happy and nurturing learning environment where they embody a true love of learning. At Greenlands Primary School, every child has a champion. It is a happy place, where everyone matters and one where our youngest children develop resilience, friendships and independence as learners from the outset.

We aim to provide a curriculum that is equally as exciting, creative and that ignites a child’s curiosity as it is caring and supportive. A curriculum that provides a stimulating indoor and outdoor environment where children safely explore risks and challenge their own learning. Where learning is accessible to all and individuals can flourish regardless of backgrounds, circumstances or need. We aim to work closely and collaboratively with parents and carers in order to ensure we value home experiences and develop a true reflection of the whole child. Is it our intent that children who enter our EYFS begin their lifelong learning journey by developing physically, verbally, cognitively and emotionally whilst also embedding a positive attitude to school and a desire to be the very best version of themselves.

In order for children to make progress and achieve a Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end of Reception, it is our intent to take into consideration the starting points and needs of our pupils as they begin their learning journey. Every child has access to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which prepares them for now and for the future in terms of opportunities and experiences. Following personal interests and individual needs, allows us to plan and provide opportunities throughout our EYFS curriculum to support learning and development and achieve their next steps.

We will assess children on entry in order to build on the skills, knowledge and understanding that they have. This information is used to develop the children holistically and will ensure that all aspects of early childhood development are catered for. At Greenlands we promote a language -rich curriculum for our Early Years and know this is essential to the successful acquisition across the curriculum. The development of speech and language is identified as one of the most important parts of our schools early years' curriculum. The curriculum is progressive coherently planned to incorporate child choice and to build upon the children's current knowledge.

We aim for children to leave Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) confident and capable learners, who are more than ready for the next stage in their learning and development.


At Greenlands we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework. This framework specifies the requirement for learning and development in the Early Years and provides prime and specific areas of learning we must cover in the curriculum.

Children benefit from meaningful learning across the curriculum and staff plan resourcefully for opportunities to communication, sustained shared thinking and physical challenge to build on existing skills taking into account the Characteristics of Effective Learning.

Rich first hand experiences (inside, outdoors, visitors and school trips) to widen experiences, awe and wonderment. Exploratory learning and thinking creatively including problem solving across all areas of learning. New vocabulary and concepts through reading will excite and engage all learners, which include

staff modelling standard English and asking high quality questions. High quality interactions, based upon the ShREC approach will be embedded into daily practice.

The curriculum will promote and support children’s emotional security and development of their character enabling children to take risks in safe and secure environment. Supporting children to be active and to develop physically including giving clear messages to children why it is important to eat, drink and exercise as well as to be kind to others. The children are taught the skills required in the EYFS through weekly or half-termly topics which are coherently planned to build upon the children's current knowledge and understanding by a cumulative sequence of lessons.

The pupils are encouraged to wonder and ask questions about what they are learning and this information is used to plan subsequent lessons. Written termly reports and regular parents evenings also inform parents of their progress and to give them the next steps of learning. Parents are provided with information on how to support their child at home and are invited to internal workshops and regular stay and play sessions. They are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s home learning which focuses on the development of key skills including name writing, tricky words spelling and formation. They are provided with the expectations and needed to meet the end of year age related expectations.


Through the delivery of a well-planned, child-led and challenging curriculum we aim that the pupils will leave the Early Years Foundation Stage as independent learners, with transferrable skills needed to start Key Stage One. This will be measured at the end of Reception as to whether the pupils have achieved a Good Level of Development. We aim that our pupils will leave our Foundation the next stage ready for the next stage in their education and ready for year 1 by:- .

  • Using their phonics knowledge to read accurately with increasing speed and fluency.
  • Write correctly punctuated simple sentences.
  • Understanding and using early numbers.
  • Having good personal, physical and social skills.
  • Enjoying, listening attentively and responding with comprehension to familiar stories and rhymes.
  • Demonstrating positive attitudes to learning through high levels of curiosity, concentration and enjoyment. Children will listen intently and respond positively to adults and each other.
  • Being resilient learners who are keen to learn and are proud of their achievements.

As part of the moderation process, we ensure that staff attend external meetings and training to ensure that we feel confident making judgements and that they are consistent with a range of other schools. Assessment starts with careful observations which are then used to inform planning.

Learning and teaching is thus effective when children feel a sense of belonging, curiosity, and competence showing resilience and tenacity. The head teacher also completes learning walks throughout the year to look at the characteristics of effective learning and interactions between peers and adults.

As part of the whole school improvement plan, each subject leader will complete a learning walk to understand the early years in action. There are set points throughout the year when data is inputted for all children across all areas of learning. The EYFS lead analyses the progress and attainment and discusses the cohort and individual children with SLT and EYFS team.