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Greenlands Primary

Parent & Family Support Team


 We are here to offer support to parents/carers and children with issues around school or home, helping parents/Carers to access other agencies or sign post to a variety of services. Most of all we are here to listen, empathise and care. If you have any worries or just want information, please contact us.

Get in touch with us

Tel: 01474 703178



Our commitment 

We at Greenlands are committed to supporting Wellbeing and Mental Health of our pupils, parents/Carers and our staff, we all experience life challenges that can make us vulnerable and may need additional support at times.

Our role

We would like our parents/carers to know that we have their children’s best interest at heart. 

Our biggest role is to help our children; helping them to feel safe, encourage them to share concerns or worries, helping them understand their emotions and feelings better, to form and maintain relationships, to be confident, encourage children to improve their learning with strategies to help them achieve their full potential, and to be themselves; supporting the link between pupil health and wellbeing and attainment.

How we support development and wellbeing

One to one and group sessions are provided, supporting and managing pupils with their emotional and mental health needs. Targeted support can be given on loss and bereavement, parent separation, support through serious illness, self-esteem, social skills, emotions friendship issues, anger management, anxiety, conflict.

Furthermore play therapy sessions allow a child the opportunity to explore and understand their feelings, using sand play, role play, arts and crafts and therapeutic stories. We promote the six ways of wellbeing, so our children and adults grow in resilience, facilitating the development of self-esteem, problem solving and coping skills.


 Useful Links

General Support 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support 



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